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Longe Hsuen Industrial Co., Ltd.   [Taiwan]
Company Type: Manufacturer
Company Description: Longe Hsuen Industrial Co., Ltd. was founded on 1982. As a major firm of The Wangs Family Groups, we manufacture Rubber mats, Mud flaps, multi functional mats and rubber & PVC products that come in a wide range of designs, the sizes cover mix.180*100cm for car mats and 50x150 for door mats. Our quality products, competive price structure and customer service have earned us a good reputation and has enabled us to reach markets all over the world.
As an OEM manufacturer, our quality products have been approved and promoted by many famous importers and chain store, such as ASDA, DUNNES, AMG, K-
Product: rubber product, pvc products and footwear, bath mat, standard bath mat, fabic color bath mat, senstive bath mat, mud flap, pvc mud flap, rubber mud flap, pe mud flap, rubber car mat, odorless rubber mat, economic rubber mat, vinyl car mat, hugo mat, door mat, sandal, shoes, slipper.
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