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Home > Companies Directory > Disposable Baby Diapers
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Qingdao Dingli Pulp & Paper Co.,Ltd   [China]
Company Type: Manufacturer
Company Description: The Sunny Investment Group was established in 1998, (formerly known as the PANSHI Paper Mill Co., LTD. which was founded in 1986). Known for specializing in the pulp, the manufacture of numerous paper products, printing, packaging, publishing, and the utilization of high technology, Sunny Investment Group Company is one of the leading Investment companies within the industry. With more than 20 years of experience in the paper field, and through the efforts of our staff, the scope of our business is developing and expanding rapidly. We have the rich business customer and the commercial resource
Product: Offset/wood free paper (coated), A4 copy paper, Kraft paper/kraft liner, newsprint paper, corrugated paper, greaseproof paper, pe coated paper, duplex paperboard, paper cup & plate, paper bag & bag, paper containers, paper label & tag, printing ink, art coated paper, writing paper , paper diaper, copy paper, fax paper, photo paper, household paper, napkin paper, sanitary paper, kitchen paper.
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