Tai Hsing Iron Works Co., Ltd. |
Company Description: |
Tai hsing iron works co., ltd. is located at 782, sec. 2, chung hsing rd., tali hsiang, taichung hslen, taiwan, r.o.c. and established in 1960. in the beginning, our main running items are iron bridge and steel frams. at that time. the three bridge of fu hsing, pa ling, and ta men in the cross-island high way are completed by us with the material supplier of tang jung iron works. since 1963, mushroom cultivation and shoe-making industries were growing to demand of sterilizer and vulcanizer (old-type). viewing from this condition, we have developed tpa, tpb, tpc, and tpd types of new boiler which is so popular until now. in 1970, we developed tbp-type fully auto fuel boiler, and this is a new revolutionary model for boiler barrel and moke tubeboiler. so far, many boiler factories still adopt of this type for development and research purpose, and they expect to improve a new kind of boiler in the future. thus, it is a progressive symbol of technology industry. in 1981, hb-type boiler had patented with patent no. 16659. it is a new improvement after 5 or 6 years research, and is featured with simple outlook, easy for operation and maintenance, excellent performance, and best tool to save energy. so, this is a good news and grest interest for the industrial field, and it is achieved by hai hsing with so many years' efforts. tai hsing will do its best to serve you, but we need your constant support and patronage. we promise to serve you with our specialized techniques andperfect after-service. |
Product : |
various types of pressure boiler, tpc-type rubber shoe vulcanizer, hot water reovery device, water softener, TBT steam boiler, boiler.
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