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Ching Chen Electronic Co., Ltd.
Company Description:
Founded in 1995, Ching Chen Electronic Co., Ltd. , a specialized manufacturer for transformer, rectifier, charger, sticks to the business spirit of honesty and sincerity. The company focuses on technology upgrade keeping up with customers orienting to R&D and manufacture Switch Power Supply. In 1997, the company operated under guidance of ISO 9002 and obtained ISO 9001 certificate in 2001 to offer internationally recognized service and products to customers. electronic products- electronic ballast, transformers, ac dc adaptor, linear adapters, power supply, power transformers, battery chargers, switch mode power supplies, switching power supply.
Product :
electronic products- electronic ballast, transformers, ac dc adaptor, linear adapters, power supply, power transformers, battery chargers, switch mode power supplies, switching power supply.
Contant Us :
Company Name: Ching Chen Electronic Co., Ltd.
Company Type: Manufacturer
Contact Person: Chang Fu Lun
Web Site:
Phone: 886-8-7550861
Fax: 886-8-7522261
Address: No. 101, Lane 30, Chung Liu Rd., Ping Tung, Taiwan. R.O.C.
Country: Taiwan
Company Categories:
  Electronic & Electrical > Power Supply & Accessories
  Electronic & Electrical > Transformer & Inductor
  Electronic & Electrical > Adapter (Adaptor)
  Telecommunication > Battery Charger & Travel Charger
  Electronic & Electrical > Electronics & Electrical Components
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