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Dong Tyan Yang Industrial Co., Ltd.
Company Description:
T.T.Y was established in the midsummer of 1986. At beginning the company was making the soles of the shoes. Bcecause of the good sales record. The company grew rapidly. In 1989, the clothing factory was established, mainly producing jeans. The products were sold all over the country and North America. In 1991, T.T.Y bilded a factory in Canton City. One year after, the production lines and the sales grew rapidly since. In 1993, it has already become the biggest importer of cosmetics equipment in early 1995, T.T.Y's cosmetic department was formally established. In the future, T.T.Y will become a new inspiration in the market. beauty salon equipment, beauty supply/ supplies- complete facial skin care equipment, skin care and body beauty equipment, facial vapour system, hair dressing equipments system, hair care equipment, supplementary equipment, beauty salon chair/ furniture.
Product :
beauty salon equipment, beauty supply/ supplies- complete facial skin care equipment, skin care and body beauty equipment, facial vapour system, hair dressing equipments system, hair care equipment, supplementary equipment, beauty salon chair/ furniture.
Contant Us :
Company Name: Dong Tyan Yang Industrial Co., Ltd.
Company Type: Manufacturer
Contact Person: ----------
Web Site:
Phone: 886-37-984277
Fax: 886-37-983331
Address: No.11-10, Dungtianyang, Tungluo Shiang, Miaoli,Taiwan
Country: Taiwan
Company Categories:
  Health & Medical & Beauty > Beauty Equipment
  Health & Medical & Beauty > Others
  Health & Medical & Beauty > Haircare Products
  Health & Medical & Beauty > Skin Care
  Health & Medical & Beauty > Beauty Product & Supplies
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