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Shaan Honq Intl. Cosmetics Corporation
Company Description:
Our products: cosmetic & beauty products, salon supply, natural & hair care products, shampoo- hair shampoos, salon shampoos, natural shampoos, dry shampoos. conditioner- natural hair conditioner. Professional hair care treatment products- dry & natural hair conditioning treatment, moisturizing hair treatment, hair oil olive treatment, damaged hair treatment, hairs protein treatment, home hair care, aging anti care hairs technology hair style & styling product- hair mousse, spray, super hair energizer, glaze, hair perm product- cream. hair dye product- hair color, natural hair dye.
Product :
cosmetic & beauty products, salon supply, natural & hair care products, shampoo- hair shampoos, salon shampoos, natural shampoos, dry shampoos. conditioner- natural hair conditioner. Professional hair care treatment products- dry & natural hair conditioning treatment, moisturizing hair treatment, hair oil olive treatment, damaged hair treatment, hairs protein treatment, home hair care, aging anti care hairs technology hair style & styling product- hair mousse, spray, super hair energizer, glaze, hair perm product- cream. hair dye product- hair color, natural hair dye.
Contant Us :
Company Name: Shaan Honq Intl. Cosmetics Corporation
Company Type: Manufacturer
Contact Person: Sophia Chen
Web Site:
Phone: 886-7-2240011
Fax: 886-7-2241100
Address: 29F., No.55, Chung Cheng 3rd Rd., Hsin Hsing District, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Country: Taiwan
Company Categories:
  Health & Medical & Beauty > Beauty Product & Supplies
  Health & Medical & Beauty > Haircare Products
  Health & Medical & Beauty > Others
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