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Hwan Chyun Euterprise Co., Ltd.
Company Description:
Hwan Chyun Euterprise Co., Ltd. main products-1 hour quick charger, telecommucation, telecom, battery chargers, 4-chanel 2 hours quick charger, cellular/ mobile phone accessory/ accessories- original compatible twin charges, phone, ai smart charger, mobile, compatible with original travel chargers, 4 chanel ai smart charger, superior twin chargers, LED twin charger/ discharger, universal hands free kits, AA battery charger, chargers, quick charger, twin charger, battery charger, travel charger, travel battery ( batteries ), car battery charger, cellular phone, plug in, SIM card, multi SIM cards, two SIM card covers, two SIM cards, 3 hours mini quick charger.
Product :
1 hour quick charger, telecommucation, telecom, battery chargers, 4-chanel 2 hours quick charger, cellular/ mobile phone accessory/ accessories- original compatible twin charges, phone, ai smart charger, mobile, compatible with original travel chargers, 4 chanel ai smart charger, superior twin chargers, LED twin charger/ discharger, universal hands free kits, AA battery charger, chargers, quick charger, twin charger, battery charger, travel charger, travel battery ( batteries ), car battery charger, cellular phone, plug in, SIM card, multi SIM cards, two SIM card covers, two SIM cards, 3 hours mini quick charger.
Contant Us :
Company Name: Hwan Chyun Euterprise Co., Ltd.
Company Type: Manufacturer
Contact Person: Chia Shiun Lin
Web Site:
Phone: 886-4-23102361
Fax: 886-4-23101525
Address: 4F, No.497, West Dist, Ying Tsai Rd., Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Country: Taiwan
Company Categories:
  Telecommunication > Battery Charger & Travel Charger
  Telecommunication > Mobile Phone Parts & Accessories
  Telecommunication > Mobile Phone Hand Free
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