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Jinhan Wig(Factory) Co.,Ltd.
Company Description:
We are a wig factory in China. We have over 10 years experience in making wigs and have already exported wigs to the International market. We have a large range of wig products (such as; Ladies wigs, Men's wigs, Halloween & Carnival wig, Eyelashes, Hair extensions, syuthetic wig etc.) And we also manufacture other different products, that are relating to wigs .
If your company is interested in our products, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to provide you with further information. Your Own Design is also welcome.
Product :
a large range of wig products (such as; Ladies wigs, Men's wigs, Halloween & Carnival wig, Eyelashes, Hair extensions, syuthetic wig etc.) And we also manufacture other different products, that are relating to wigs .
Contant Us :
Company Name: Jinhan Wig(Factory) Co.,Ltd.
Company Type: Manufacturer
Contact Person: Hank Wang
Web Site:
Phone: 0086-594-2678288
Fax: 0086-594-2686905
Address: Donghukou, Xitianwei Town, Licheng District,
Country: China
Company Categories:
  Apparel & Textile & Accessories > Fashion Accessories
  Health & Medical & Beauty > Beauty Product & Supplies
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