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Soft Rhythm
Company Description:
We are manufacturer and exporter of Musical Instruments like Djembe, Condo, Bongo, Harp
Bagpipe, Bagpipe Cover, Bagpipe Cord, Sword Knots, Drone Reeds, Kilts, Military Uniform Accessories and Caps, Charlee Jacket, Fleshes, if you are interested please ask for samples and prices.
Product :
musical instruments, badges, harp, congo, bongo, djembe, harp, kilt, sword knots, dirk, sgain, charlee jacket
military uniform accessories and caps, glove, wind instrument, education instruments.
Contant Us :
Company Name: Soft Rhythm
Company Type: Exporter
Contact Person: Shafiq Ahmed
Web Site:
Phone: 92-52-4601876
Fax: 92-52-4601876
Address: Qaiser Street, Muhammad Pura
Country: Pakistan
Company Categories:
  Gift & Toy & Jewelry & Baby Product > Badges
  Sports & Entertainment > Musical Instruments
  Apparel & Textile & Accessories > Hats & Caps
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