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Shenzhen Outch Technology Co.,LTD
Company Description:
Shinningpc is one of branch of APENINFO GROUP CO.,Ltd which is one of the largest consumer electronics enterprises in China,another branch is Express Luck Industrial Ltd.Group¡¬s global revenues amounted to RMB 10billion in 2007.It has advantage of two advanced industrial parks covers more than 30,000 square meters and 2,000 employees.In 2007,more than 2 million TV sets and 10 million DVDs were sold worldwide. The Group¡¬s sales revenue from overseas markets surpassed that from the domestic PRC market, a testimony to its position as a global company.
Product :
LCD monitor/TV,gps,dvd,cell phone
Contant Us :
Company Name: Shenzhen Outch Technology Co.,LTD
Company Type: Exporter
Contact Person: Bob
Web Site:
Phone: 86-755-21914810
Fax: 86-755-33902810
Address: No.1818 West Wing Qiushi Building, Zhuzilin, shennan Blvd
Country: China
Company Categories:
  Computer ¡® Computer Peripheral ¡Ö Monitors
  Automobile, Parts ¡® Transportation¡ÖAuto Electronics
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