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Shenzhen Taide Electronics Co., Ltd.
Company Description:
Shenzhen TaiDe Electronic Co. Ltd was established in 2001. We specialize in the OEM manufacture of PC cameras. Depending on quality products and comprehensive service, we have been the stable supplier of MSI, Kye, Lenovo, Haier, Tekram, AigoŁ¬Golden Field, Onda and UNIbit. Buyers throughout North and South America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East source from us. And, last year alone, we sold more than $90 million worth of our products to customers in those markets.
Product :
PC Camera, Webcam, Computer Pheripheral, MP3 Player, MP4 Player, IP Camera, iPod, USB Phone
Contant Us :
Company Name: Shenzhen Taide Electronics Co., Ltd.
Company Type: Manufacturer
Contact Person: Spring Shen
Web Site:
Phone: 86-755-84255953
Fax: 86-755-84255950
Address: 40#, Xinhe Road, Baolai Industrial District, Shangmugu, Pinghu Town
Country: China
Company Categories:
  Computer & Computer Peripheral > Computer Peripheral
  Home Appliances & Supplies > MP3 Player
  Computer & Computer Peripheral > USB Products
  Home Appliances & Supplies > Video
  Optical & Photography Equipment & Measuring Instrument > Cameras & Parts & Accessories
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