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AdiJaya Megah Store Co., Ltd
Company Description:
PT. AdiJaya Megah Sentosa Started to design communicating related products since 2000 at a garage in Batam Island - Indonesia. Now our completely manufacture factory makes the best quality and after service.
Product :
mobile phones, electronic consumer products, computer accessories. we provide games console, portable media player, mp3 player, PDA, plasma TV.
Contant Us :
Company Name: AdiJaya Megah Store Co., Ltd
Company Type: Wholesaler/Distributor
Contact Person: Rita Sulistio
Web Site:
Phone: +622-778-7262644
Fax: +622-778-7262644
Address: JL. Rambutan Lot 507 Batamindo Industrial Park Muka Kuning
Country: Indonesia
Company Categories:
  Electronic & Electrical > Electrical Products
  Telecommunication > Mobile Phone & Cellular Phone & Cell Phone
  Home Appliances & Supplies > Television
  Computer & Computer Peripheral > Notebook & Computers & PDA
  Home Appliances & Supplies > MP3 Player
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