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PT.Afnindo Pratama
Company Description:
PT.Afnindo Pratama is a Singapore foregin investment company in Indonesia, established 2000. We are one of the biggest wholesaler of any electronic products. we are beginning to expdand our market to global market, we can supply any products electronic consumer goods to worldwide, such as Computer Hardware,
Audio Video, Telecommunication, MP3 Player etc.
We hope you are enjoying your visit at "PT.Afnindo Pratama." as a high technology store. This store is designed to provide a great shopping experience of great products. "PT.Afnindo Pratama" is one of the technology stores where you can get a full selection of great quality Computer Hardware and Software,
networking products, notebook accessories, etc.
Product :
computer hardware, laptop, plasma, audio video, telecommunication, mp3 player.
Contant Us :
Company Name: PT.Afnindo Pratama
Company Type: Wholesaler/Distributor
Contact Person: Dikky
Web Site: ----------
Phone: 62-61-4589699
Fax: 62-61-4589699
Address: jalan Menara Plaza Lt. 1 A-9
Country: Indonesia
Company Categories:
  Computer & Computer Peripheral > Hardware Components
  Computer & Computer Peripheral > Notebook & Computers & PDA
  Telecommunication > Telecommunication
  Electronic & Electrical > Electrical Products
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