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Vesselino Ltd
Company Description:
Vesselino Company is dealing with production of rose oil, rose essential water, rose absolute and rose concrete. We also offer for sale herbs, herbal substances, essential oils and extracts.
Product :
herbs, herbal substances, essential oils and extracts, rose oil, rose essential water, rose absolute and rose concrete.
Contant Us :
Company Name: Vesselino Ltd
Company Type: Trading Company
Contact Person: Bogdan Asenov
Web Site:
Phone: 00359-431-62399
Fax: 00359-431-81231
Address: 1 Starozagorska street, floor 3, office 24-23
Country: Bulgaria
Company Categories:
  Health & Medical & Beauty > Herb & Herb Medicine
  Health & Medical & Beauty > Cosmetics & Toiletries
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