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Chun Yeh Ent. Co., Ltd.
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Product :  
bicycle bag, sporting bag, saddle bag, handlebar bag, pannier bag, waterskin backpack, waterskin, carrying bag, wheel bag, pet bag, traveling bag, waterproof bag, bag, bicycle accessories.
stereo backpack
saddle bag
saddle bag
rear pannier bag
front pannier bag
sport rucksack
sporting bag
pet bag
pet bag
| 1 |
Company Description:
In order to meet rider's need, we collected all the bikes, such as MTB, ATB, racing, cross bike,...etc, to test, to match our prototype perfectly well with them. Furthermore, using professional equipments to exam the tensile strength of new products, and the quality of attached parts like zippers, straps and tags. Each item decorated with fashionable color. We have dedicated to this field for more than 20 years, and recognize that all the relevant accessory are getting different than ever. Even more variable in the future. To cope with the constantly changing of style and multiple market-demand. we never miss any international show, to organize for reality. Our products: bicycle bag, sporting bag, saddle bag, handlebar bag, pannier bag, waterskin backpack, waterskin, carrying bag, wheel bag, pet bag, traveling bag, waterproof bag, bag, bicycle accessories.
Company Profile:
Company Name: Chun Yeh Ent. Co., Ltd.
Company Type: Manufacturer
Contact Person: Pads Lin
Web Site:
Phone: 886-4-26831571
Fax: 886-4-26831570
Address: # 253, Chang Sheng Rd.,Waipu Hsiang 438, Taichungcounty, Taiwan
Country: Taiwan
Product Categories:
  Bicycles & Bike, Parts & Accessories > Accessories > Bags
  Shoe & Leather Good & Bags > Bags
  Shoe & Leather Good & Bags > Luggage & Travel Bags
  Shoe & Leather Good & Bags > Backpacks
  Agriculture & Food > Animal & Pet Product
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