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Kuang Ta Beautician Equipment Supplying Co., Ltd.
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Product :  
hair and facial beauty equipments, beauty supply/ supplies, personal care products- muscle vibrating apparatus, de-fat electrothermal blanket, light sonic beautifier, beauty combination box, hair & speck remover, beauty/ hair scope, skin inspection lamp & magnifying lamp, facial steamer, hair dryer, skin care, hairdressing, muscle vibrating, beautifier, infrared permanent apparatus, correlative articles.
function beauty instrument
facial steamer
speck remover
handed massager
hair dryer (hang)
infrared permanent apparatus
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Company Description:
Ever since 1970, Kuang Ta Beautician Equipment Supplying Co., Ltd has been active in the Beauty and Hair equipment field. During that many years ( over 30 years ) our philosophies, continuous pursuit of perfection, daily improvement, human life enhancement, and self-imposed commitments to customers, prompt service, quality products,have successfully converted KUANG TA from the local factory into one of the most leading professional manufacturers in Asia. Kuang Ta is the first and only manufacturer in the field of beauty/hair to gain the ISO 9001:2000 approved by UL registered. The honor has been recognized as an intensive dedication to a new culture of quality, and internal management. Without such a well-original team and facilities, Kuang Ta continuous growth and success in internationization would not be feasible.
Company Profile:
Company Name: Kuang Ta Beautician Equipment Supplying Co., Ltd.
Company Type: Manufacturer
Contact Person: Canny Lin
Web Site:
Phone: 886-6-3552419
Fax: 886-6-3552419
Address: No. 18, Kai-An 1st Street, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Country: Taiwan
Product Categories:
  Health & Medical & Beauty > Beauty Equipment
  Health & Medical & Beauty > Others
  Health & Medical & Beauty > Haircare Products
  Health & Medical & Beauty > Beauty Product & Supplies
  Health & Medical & Beauty > Massager Equipment & Massage Chair
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