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Teff Enterprise Co., Ltd.
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Product :  
sports cap, baseball cap, windstick cap, wool/ cap, barrell caps, visors, proof cold/ indstick caps, proof midge/ fishing/ lady/ formative/ flamingo hats, arments, clothing ( garment, apparel ) accessory/ accessories, advertised/ premium caps, headwears
five-panel advertising cap
five-panel advertising cap
six-panel baseball cap
six-panel baseball cap
seven-panel baseball cap
seven-panel baseball cap
student's cap
student's cap
chef's cap
chef's cap
| 1 |
Company Description:
sports cap, baseball cap, windstick cap, wool/ cap, barrell caps, visors, proof cold/ indstick caps, proof midge/ fishing/ lady/ formative/ flamingo hats, arments, clothing ( garment, apparel ) accessory/ accessories, advertised/ premium caps, headwears
Company Profile:
Company Name: Teff Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Company Type: Manufacturer
Contact Person: Wen Pin Liao
Web Site:
Phone: 886-4-23852140
Fax: 886-4-23816078
Address: No. 690, Wenshinnan 5th Rd., Nantuen Chiu, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Country: Taiwan
Product Categories:
  Apparel & Textile & Accessories > Hats & Caps
  Sports & Entertainment > Others
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