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Adel Phones Inc.
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Product :  
mobile phones , cell phones , laptops/notebook ,camera , video games , ipods ,and plasma tvs.
Company Description:
We are legitimate mobile phone seller licensed under the local government and insured by the insurance company, We are also the import of all brand new mobile phones , They are cheap and unlocked with 12 month international warranty.We sell them in Bulk in Retails ,We shipped inconjunction of fedEx Express, they shipped within 48hrs to your door step.
Company Profile:
Company Name: Adel Phones Inc.
Company Type: Exporter
Contact Person: Adel Kazeem
Web Site: ----------
Phone: 1-802-2354645
Fax: 1-466-6564545
Address: 3 Newroad Ave
Country: U.S.A.
Product Categories:
  Telecommunication > Mobile Phone & Cellular Phone & Cell Phone
  Telecommunication > Interphones
  Computer & Computer Peripheral > Notebook & Computers & PDA
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