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More Best Choice Technology Co., Ltd.
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Product :  
MP3, MP4 player, PCB fabrication, PCBA, Turn key solution.
Company Description:
MBC technology co., ltd is a new & professional manufacture specialized in MP3,MP4 Player,as well as printed circuit board sourcing and PCBA production.
MBC's developments are based on customer demand and/or our design concept.
MBC head office is in Tao Yuan City, Taiwan to fully outlook market trend & global situation. We also setup a new production plante of MP3 & MP4 player, in order to offer our customer more competitive in pricing but high quality product.
I willing offer a good price and excllent quality MP3,MP4 Player for all customer's ,if you are interesting with our production, Please do not hesitate to contact me.
Company Profile:
Company Name: More Best Choice Technology Co., Ltd.
Company Type: Trading Company
Contact Person: Eddie Cheng
Web Site: ----------
Phone: 886-3-3385100
Fax: 886-3-3385108
Address: 6F-2, No. 393, Fu Shing Road,
Country: Taiwan
Product Categories:
  Home Appliances & Supplies > MP3 Player
  Electronic & Electrical > PCB (Printed Circuit Boards)
  Electronic & Electrical > Electronics & Electrical Components
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