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Zhejiang Eflag Electronics Co., Ltd
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Product :  
lcd tvs, LCD TV.
Company Description:
Zhejiang Eflag Electronics Co., Ltd. is a manufacturing plant of Hong Kong Eflag Digital Technology Co., Ltd. which is a high-tech enterprise set up in 1990 integrating electronic scientific research, production and sale.
Through more than one decade of development, Hong Kong Eflag now has a managing and designing group of high qualification and responsibility, and several internationally advanced electron production lines. Our company consists of a research and development center, a production base, an international trade department, a branch company of domestic market terminal, a logistics center, and an after-sales service center. Respectively in Dongguan, the famous delta in Guangdong, and in Yiwu, the International Commercial and Trade City, we have set up a modern production base which covers tens of thousands of square meters, and a product exhibition hall with world advanced level.
Hong Kong Eflag adheres to the strategy of "high quality accomplishes high brand, innovation promotes development", and has established an elaborate product inspection system. The digital-tech products researched and developed by us enjoy high technique and exquisite quality. Among LCD TV, LCD Monitor.
Company Profile:
Company Name: Zhejiang Eflag Electronics Co., Ltd
Company Type: Manufacturer
Contact Person: kachina
Web Site:
Phone: 86-579-5210965
Fax: 86-579-5216555
Address: qijiguang road
Country: China
Product Categories:
  Electronic & Electrical > Electrical Products
  Home Appliances & Supplies > Television
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