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Full RIver(HK) LTD
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Product :  
Such as switch hub, IP router, lan card, combo card, 1394 card, usb card, PCMCIA to PCI card, wireless PCI/USB card/router, Sata card etc.
Company Description:
FullRiver (HK) TD professionally OEM & ODM for many abroad companies for computer network device,Such as switch hub,IP router,lan card,combo card,1394 card,usb card,PCMCIA to PCI card,wireless PCI/USB card/router,Sata card etc,
Company Profile:
Company Name: Full RIver(HK) LTD
Company Type: Manufacturer
Contact Person: Annie
Web Site:
Phone: 0086-755-89745453
Fax: 0086-755-89745451
Address: BL3 Liantangjiao Industrial Zone ,Shima Village,Tangxia Town,
Country: China
Product Categories:
  Computer & Computer Peripheral > Network Service & Equipment
  Computer & Computer Peripheral > Computer Peripheral
  Computer & Computer Peripheral > Router & Lan
  Computer & Computer Peripheral > Hardware Components
  Computer & Computer Peripheral > Memory & Modems
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