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Fuzhou Jingxing Manufacturing co., ltd.
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Product :  
shoes, slippers,flip flop, sandal.
Company Description:
Founded in 1991, Fuzhou Jingxing Manufacturing co., ltd. is an international specialized slippers and sandals maker. We are involved in both manufacturing and trade of slippers and sandals. We provide perfect products to our customers with our considerate and loyal service. We make every effort to create satisfying value for our customer, and help them succeed, with an aim to maximize the value of both our company and our employees. We have always been dedicated to creating a platform to give into full play our employees¡¦ talent. Because we are human-oriented, we take talented personnel as the vital strategic resources and the most valuable treasure of our business. We respect the talented staff members and open training programs for them. We also encourage our employees to make progress and innovations by offering helpful hands and sharing the success with them. We stick to a spirit of making progress and innovation, aiming at a healthy, stable and sustainable business.
Company Profile:
Company Name: Fuzhou Jingxing Manufacturing co., ltd.
Company Type: Manufacturer
Contact Person: chenxingyu
Web Site:
Phone: 86-591-87278896
Fax: 86-591-87858820
Address: 8F Yifada Building No.298 Hudong Road Fuzhou Fujian China
Country: China
Product Categories:
  Shoe & Leather Good & Bags > Sandals
  Shoe & Leather Good & Bags > Slippers
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