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Ecompany Ltd.
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Product :  
mobile phones, laptops, digital cameras, plasma TVs, video games.
Company Description:
Ecompany limited was established in the yaer 1988. We specialised in the sales of electronics products such as mobile phones,laptops,plasma tvs,digital cameras, Video Games etc.
Company Profile:
Company Name: Ecompany Ltd.
Company Type: Wholesaler/Distributor
Contact Person: Saheed Yussuf
Web Site: ----------
Phone: 44-702-4060066
Fax: 44-702-4086335
Address: 1, Paradise Squaure
Country: U.K. (United Kingdom)
Product Categories:
  Telecommunication > Mobile Phone & Cellular Phone & Cell Phone
  Computer & Computer Peripheral > Notebook & Computers & PDA
  Home Appliances & Supplies > Television
  Optical & Photography Equipment & Measuring Instrument > Video Camera & Accessories
  Optical & Photography Equipment & Measuring Instrument > Camera
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