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Joomoney Co., Ltd.
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Product :  
Nutrition, Health, Computer, Network, Cosmetic, Telecommunication, Clothing, dietary supplement, Food, glass, memory.
Company Description:
We are trading company located in Republic of Korea. We also have oversea branchs in USA, Japan, Malaysia, Brazil, and india.
We may become a complete alliance involving distributorship. You may be assured that any orders you may send us will be executed on the best terms.
We will be very happy to have your offer soon. We are always ready to supply you with any further information you need upon your request.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us in case that our services will be of further assistance to you.
We sincerely hope that you will be successful in extending your business with Joomoney Co., Ltd. and hope to hear from you soon.
Company Profile:
Company Name: Joomoney Co., Ltd.
Company Type: Trading Company
Contact Person: Sung Yoon Chung
Web Site:
Phone: 82-31-8895053
Fax: 82-31-8895054
Address: Suit 403 Daemyunggest Bd. 2015-1, JukJun-dong Sooji-Gu
Country: Korea (Rep. of)
Product Categories:
  Computer & Computer Peripheral > Network Service & Equipment
  Computer & Computer Peripheral > Computer Peripheral
  Health & Medical & Beauty > Cosmetics & Toiletries
  Apparel & Textile & Accessories > Apparel & Garment & Clothing
  Telecommunication > Telecommunication
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