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Bolinga Pharmaceutical International Compnay
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Product :  
generic and braneded drug, cocaine hcl,Hydrocodone,Marinol,Heroine,Oxycodone Hcl,MDMA,LSD,Ketamine etc.
Company Description:
we are one of the leading pharmaceutical manufacturing company that deals with the supply of all generic and braneded drugs.
we also supply all forms of street us today for your product and you will be glad you did.
Company Profile:
Company Name: Bolinga Pharmaceutical International Compnay
Company Type: Manufacturer
Contact Person: MARTINS VACONA
Web Site: ----------
Phone: 234-080-58357668
Fax: 234-02-2414091
Address: Plot 563 Oyin Jolayemi Cresent,Bolinga Building Victoria Island,Lagos state Nigeria
Country: Nigeria
Product Categories:
  Health ¡® Medical ¡® Beauty ¡Ö Drugs ¡® Pharmaceutical ¡® Medicine
  Health ¡® Medical ¡® Beauty ¡Ö Herb ¡® Herb Medicine
  Chemical ¡Ö Pharmaceutical Chemical
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