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Gold Electros Co., Ltd
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Product :  
computer, camcorder, notebook, games.
Company Description:
Gold Electros is leading wholesaler for quality electronics. We have been established since 2003. We specialize in brands such as Sony, Dell, Panasonics, View Sonic. We can supply a range of electrical products that includes SOny PSP, Nintendo DS and other related items.
We plan to leverage our strength by maintaining our emphasis on the following core competencies: -Competitive Pricing, Working as a team with our vendors -Product Quality and Availability -Responsiveness, Quick Response to our internal and external customer -Speed to market in all aspects of sales, processing, operations, -And delivery energizes our company and underscore our commitment to excellence.
Company Profile:
Company Name: Gold Electros Co., Ltd
Company Type: Wholesaler/Distributor
Contact Person: Anita Liu
Web Site:
Phone: 65-0-64737229
Fax: 65-0-64751839
Address: 6A Napier Road
Country: Singapore
Product Categories:
  Computer & Computer Peripheral > Notebook & Computers & PDA
  Telecommunication > Mobile Phone & Cellular Phone & Cell Phone
  Sports & Entertainment > Games
  Telecommunication > GPS
  Computer & Computer Peripheral > Others
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