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Electronic Supply Solutions Ltd
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Product :  
Video Games, Mobile Phones, Laptops, Mp3 Player, Video Camera, Computers.
Company Description:
A registered and accredited wholesaler of brand new electronics products of all types. We came to search for customers who we can supply with our products.
We offer our brand new products at good and affordable prices as we are looking for a long tern business relationship with our customers.
We are open to do business with all customers worldwide.Kindly contact us as we awaits your orders and inquries.
Company Profile:
Company Name: Electronic Supply Solutions Ltd
Company Type: Wholesaler/Distributor
Contact Person: John Scout
Web Site: ----------
Phone: 44-702-4055260
Fax: 44-702-4055260
Address: Dept 706, 78 Marylebone High Street
Country: U.K. (United Kingdom)
Product Categories:
  Telecommunication > Mobile Phone & Cellular Phone & Cell Phone
  Sports & Entertainment > Games
  Computer & Computer Peripheral > Notebook & Computers & PDA
  Home Appliances & Supplies > MP3 Player
  Optical & Photography Equipment & Measuring Instrument > Camera
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