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CV. Geac Express Electronics
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Product :  
Games Console and Apple iPod.
Sony Playstation3 Premium Pack Includes 60GB
Sony PSP Giga Pack/Ensemble Giga
| 1 |
Company Description:
Ten years as the Supplier Experts makes CV. Geac Express Electronics the ultimate resource for professionals seller and retail. Best of all, CV. Geac Express Electronics offers the most new products with the good price. CV. Geac Express Electronics is, and always will be, the best way for Your Business Partner.
Company Profile:
Company Name: CV. Geac Express Electronics
Company Type: Wholesaler/Distributor
Contact Person: K. Setiawan
Web Site:
Phone: 62-22-70055440
Fax: 62-22-70056440
Address: Jln. Wastu Kencana No. 136
Country: Indonesia
Product Categories:
  Sports & Entertainment > Games
  Home Appliances & Supplies > MP3 Player
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