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Computer Advance Limited
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Product :  
computer,notebook, laptop.
Company Description:
COMPUTER ADVANCE LIMITED is wholesale supplier of used and refurbished laptop computers, we are committed to bring you the best deals in refurbished laptops and notebook computers. Cheap here doesn't mean low quality computer,( see used laptop conditions ) COMPUTER ADVANCE LIMITED purchasing power has allowed us to offer bids on large surplus used laptop and notebook computer lots and purchase used notebook computers in large quantities and in result at cheap prices from major notebooks pc manufacturers in USA, therefore being able to pass these deals to clients and offer best quality refurbished used computer pcs and notebooks accessories at cheap wholesale prices.
Company Profile:
Company Name: Computer Advance Limited
Company Type: Wholesaler/Distributor
Contact Person: James Green
Web Site: ----------
Phone: 44-703-1871255
Fax: 44-709-2867064
Address: 74-76 WEST STREET ERITH
Country: U.K. (United Kingdom)
Product Categories:
  Computer & Computer Peripheral > Notebook & Computers & PDA
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