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Punarex, Inc
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Product :  
Apple iPhone, Sell offer Brand of Apple like iPhone.
Apple iPhone
| 1 |
Company Description:
Punarex Inc start business in the end 2006 after had partnership with manufacture in Taiwan can produce all kinds of Apple and established in Indonesia in 2005, only carry all brands available to you, packaged and sealed in retail boxes with full international warranty and right know we only Apple brand. Our goal is to become your supplier and partner in building a strong and successful business relationship with you. When you purchase from Punarex Inc you can expect high-quality, reliable products which are shipped worldwide we are looking forward to do business with you and build a long time relationship in the future.
Company Profile:
Company Name: Punarex, Inc
Company Type: Wholesaler/Distributor
Contact Person: Preman Juma
Web Site: ----------
Phone: 62-21-7180586
Fax: 62-21-7182732
Address: ln. Kemang Raya. No 115
Country: Indonesia
Product Categories:
  Telecommunication > Telecommunication
  Telecommunication > Mobile Phone & Cellular Phone & Cell Phone
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