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Bj Store
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Product :  
hdd, memory, computer, hardware, pc, pda, laptop, storage, harddrive
Memory computer
Seagate Barracuda
| 1 |
Company Description:
Binjai jaya has a significant reason for our growth to date is our ability to acquire quality products at reasonable prices. We have solid relationships with major suppliers in our country. We only choose suppliers that are dependable and have sound procedures within product development and in dealing with returned goods. Our aim is to have the shortest turnover time possible when dealing with returned products. We are now looking forward to building cooperative relationships with Customers worldwide. If you are interested in our products, please feel free to contact us for further information.
Company Profile:
Company Name: Bj Store
Company Type: Trading Company
Contact Person: simon barety
Web Site: ----------
Phone: 62-81-973047773
Fax: 62-81-973047773
Address: jl. kopral daniel no.70b
Country: Indonesia
Product Categories:
  Computer & Computer Peripheral > Hardware Components
  Computer & Computer Peripheral > Computer Peripheral
  Computer & Computer Peripheral > Memory & Modems
  Computer & Computer Peripheral > Motherboard & HDD
  Computer & Computer Peripheral > Notebook & Computers & PDA
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