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Ban Labs Ltd.
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Product :  
hair care, hair oil, herbal shampoo, hair color, nontoxic medicines, herbal, ayurvedic, anti oxident, skin care, herbal soap, liver care, acidity, allergy, multi vitamin, child care, personal care, body care, cardiac, kidney stone.
Company Description:
The foundation of company was laid down on January 1st, 1966 by legendary, doctrine of ayurveda Dr. D. K. Patel with a very small setup and finance resources but definitely with a view of establish Bhartiya Aushadh Nirman Shala as one of the reputed company to manufacture Ayurvedic/ Herbal formulations to provide research based quality products to the ailing human beings. After the decade, we were able to establish ourselves as one of the reputed house with the quality product & services.
Company Profile:
Company Name: Ban Labs Ltd.
Company Type: Manufacturer
Contact Person: R. H. Patel
Web Site:
Phone: 91-281-2366411
Fax: 91-281-2388477
Address: 'Ban House', Dr. Vikram Sarabhai Nagar, Gondal Road,
Country: India
Product Categories:
  Health & Medical & Beauty > Haircare Products
  Health & Medical & Beauty > Drugs & Pharmaceutical & Medicine
  Health & Medical & Beauty > Herb & Herb Medicine
  Health & Medical & Beauty > Skin Care
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