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Intra Computer Co.,Ltd
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Product :  
Laptop (dell, Sony, Toshiba, Apple).
Company Description:
The company was started with the vision to be a trustworthy and reliable sales / marketing representative of leading electronics components manufacturers, serving knowledgeable customers that value sound advice and good customer supports.
Our strategic focus is to assist our customers in selecting the best solution possible from complementary product lines, which are integrally cost competitive and supported by reliable after sales services.
Our marketing and service-oriented management together with the close co-operation and support of our business partners, strive to provide our customers the best support and services.
Company Profile:
Company Name: Intra Computer Co.,Ltd
Company Type: Wholesaler/Distributor
Contact Person: Sonny Dk
Web Site: ----------
Phone: 65-445-7825421
Fax: 65-445-7825421
Address: 3 Kallang Pudding Road# 06-15 Mactech Industrial Building, Singapore
Country: Singapore
Product Categories:
  Computer & Computer Peripheral > Notebook & Computers & PDA
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