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JOHN Earphone Electronic CO.,LTD
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Product :  
John Industrial Co. Ltd. started its business in 2000. We specialize in , Best Earphones , earphone jack, Earphone review, Stereo Earphone review, Headset, Speaker, Handsfree Earphone , Microphone, Telephone , and many other OEM earphone items. We also produce many kinds of the i-pod speaker, crystal,dynamic, neck-lace type, retratable type waterpro of type aviation earphone, and standard typeˇH
Buyers' new design ˇ® OEM orders are welcome. If there are some item is in your needs, please provide us the quantity is in your needs we will quote the best price for you immediately.
Any question or suggestion please do not hesitate to contact us.
Company Description:
John Industrial Co. Ltd. started its business in 2000. We specialize in , Best Earphones , earphone jack, Earphone review, Stereo Earphone review, Headset, Speaker, Handsfree Earphone , Microphone, Telephone , and many other OEM earphone items. We also produce many kinds of the i-pod speaker, crystal,dynamic, neck-lace type, retratable type waterpro of type aviation earphone, and standard typeˇH
Buyers' new design ˇ® OEM orders are welcome. If there are some item is in your needs, please provide us the quantity is in your needs we will quote the best price for you immediately.
Any question or suggestion please do not hesitate to contact us
Company Profile:
Company Name: JOHN Earphone Electronic CO.,LTD
Company Type: Manufacturer
Contact Person: JOE LEE
Web Site: ----------
Phone: 886-931-501939
Fax: 886-4-7110000
Address: No.18, Lane.530, Sec.1, Jong-Shan Rd. ,
Country: Taiwan
Product Categories:
  Telecommunication > Earphone & Headphone
  Electronic & Electrical > Speaker
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