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GME Technology Co.,Ltd.
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Product :  
switching AC/DC adapter, switching power supply, battery charger.
Company Description:
Our manufacturer are in accordance with ISO9001 International Quality Management System, and ERP Resource Management System we are focusing on maintaining product quality and providing after-sales service. Coupled with competitive prices to match ever-changing markets, we have been able to develop our own specialties in order to better meet client needs. Our overriding aim is to give all customers 100% satisfaction with our company and products.
Company Profile:
Company Name: GME Technology Co.,Ltd.
Company Type: Manufacturer
Contact Person: 林先生
Web Site:
Phone: 04-251-30326
Fax: 04-251-30446
Address: 台中縣豐原市圓環東路703號2樓之一
Country: Taiwan
Product Categories:
  Electronic & Electrical > Adapter (Adaptor)
  Electronic & Electrical > Power Supply & Accessories
  Telecommunication > Battery Charger & Travel Charger
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