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Hontek Electronics Co., Ltd.
  Product :
  Product Name:digital camera
  Product Description:
Multi-function Camera (Digital Still Camera, Digital Camcorder, Web Cam, MP3 player,Digital Voice Recorder , Video Camera, USB Portable Disk)
Up to 6.5 Mega Picture Resolution (2912 x 2208)
Build-in 5 Scene Modes
Digital Effects (B&W, Sepia, Negative Art, Solarize)
Auto Image Rotate
12 X Zoom Ability (3X optical x 4X digital)
  Contact Information:
Company Name: Hontek Electronics Co., Ltd.
Contact Person: ----------
Address: 6F.NO 6-1,Minzu Rd.Sindian City.Taipei County.231,Taiwan R.O.C
Telephone: 886-2-8914-7010
Mobile: ------------
Fax: 886-2-8914-7012
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