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Alfatech Products Co., Ltd.
  Product :
  Product Name:card reader
  Product Description:
6-in-1 Card Reader

It supports:
1. Compact Flash
2. IBM Micro Drive
3. Smart Media
4. Memory Stick
5. Secure Digital
6. Multi-media Card
Neodio ND3050LD chip with 2MB flash
Dimension of the Card Reader = 48mm x 94mm x 15mm
  Contact Information:
Company Name: Alfatech Products Co., Ltd.
Contact Person: ----------
Address: No. 11, Lane 119, Sec. 1, Hsinsheng S. Rd., Taipei, Taiwan 106, R.O.C.
Telephone: 886-2-8773-5858
Mobile: ------------
Fax: 886-2-8773-2969
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