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Ching Seng Tong Cosmetic Co., Ltd.
  Product :
  Product Name:moist eyelids color cream
  Product Description:
Highly contained with moisture contents, soft and silky, keeps the beautiful colors and nourishing texture after long hours, creates the rich and shining eyes. Several shades are available.

Ingredients:CarbopolˇBTriethanolamineˇBButylene GlycolˇBGlycerinˇBPolyvinyl AlcoholˇBPure WaterˇBPropyl ParabenˇBMethyl ParabenˇBSilicaˇBMicaˇBPearl Pigments.

size:1.3(d)ˇŃ10.5cm .
  Contact Information:
Company Name: Ching Seng Tong Cosmetic Co., Ltd.
Contact Person: Clandia Shen
Address: No. 36, Yu-Shan Rd., Chiayi, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Telephone: 886-5-2361151
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Fax: 886-5-2350086
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