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Tidalpower Technologies Inc.
  Product :
  Product Name:notebook
  Product Description:
Mininote 200X Series Notebook PC

Install with Intel Celeron/Pentium ¢» CPU, 8.4" TFT LCD with Touch Screen,Max. 512MB DRAM, 2.5" HDD, all Magnesium Alloy cases, ready for Win98 / Win2000 / Windows Me / Win NT / WINDOWS XP .
  Contact Information:
Company Name: Tidalpower Technologies Inc.
Contact Person: ----------
Address: 6F-2, 188, Sec. 3, Ta Tung Road, Shih-Chi City, Taipei Hsien, Taiwan
Telephone: 886-2-86473060
Mobile: ------------
Fax: 886-2-86473057
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