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Cendrawasih Karya Sejahtera, PT
  Product :
  Product Name:Garmin Streetpilot 2730 GPS
  Product Description:
Knowledge is power, and thanks to the advanced technology packed into the Garmin StreetPilot 2730, you'll get plenty of both. The big news about this model in comparison to its predecessor, the 2720, is the addition of XM radio capabilities. With a subscription to XM radio services, you'll get real-time XM NavTraffic, XM WX Weather, and XM Radio service. What does all that mean? When coupled with Garmin's legendary GPS technology, it means you'll always know not only exactly where you are, and but also what lies ahead.
  Contact Information:
Company Name: Cendrawasih Karya Sejahtera, PT
Contact Person: Ronny Siswanto
Address: Jl. Brayan Km 9 No. 19
Telephone: 62-61-77644295
Mobile: ------------
Fax: 62-61-77644295
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