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Star Electronic Perkasa, CV
  Product :
  Product Name:iPod Video Enhanced 5th Generation 80GB Media Player
  Product Description:
Now that you can buy movies from the iTunes Store and sync them to your iPod, the whole world is your theater. With the Apple 80 GB iPod with Video Playback in hand, those movies fit comfortably next to TV shows, new iPod games, podcasts, audiobooks, photo albums, and, of course, an entire library of music--up to 20,000 songs. How much can your pocket hold? That's up to you and your iPod, but no matter how you organize it, the iPod holds loads of songs and plenty of hours of video.
  Contact Information:
Company Name: Star Electronic Perkasa, CV
Contact Person: Jimmy Lim
Address: Jl. Brigjen Katamso No. 318 D
Telephone: 62-61-77650018
Mobile: ------------
Fax: 62-61-77650019
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