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Indo Swiss Herbals
  Product :
  Product Name:Aloe Vera Health Tonic
  Product Description:
Assists the body in performing the key function of boosting the immune system due to the abundant presence of polysaccharides, a property exclusive to Aloe Vera. It also contains amino acids, vitamins, minerals and enzymes. it aids the digestive system by improving absorption of nutrients. It is a detoxifer and strengthens the nervous system. This unique formulation is fortified with a blend of other herbs to give a natural tonic, addressing the entire human body.
  Contact Information:
Company Name: Indo Swiss Herbals
Contact Person: Paulson Chirayath
Address: Luzernerstrasse 105
Telephone: 0041-041-7810076
Mobile: ------------
Fax: 0041-041-7810076
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