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Bekasi Electronics Co Ltd
  Product :
  Product Name:Nintendo - Wii
  Product Description:
Controls: Intuitive control for anyone using the physical motion of the main Wii Remote, which resembles a television remote control. Up to four Wii Remotes can be connected at once using wireless Bluetooth technology. The wireless signal can be detected within 10 meters of the console. Both the Wii Remote and Nunchuk controllers include a three-axis motion sensor. The Wii Remote also includes a speaker, rumble feature and expansion port, and can be used as a pointer within 5 meters of the screen. The Wii Remote has a power switch, plus pad, A, B, Minus, Home, 1 and 2 buttons. The Nunchuk controller includes an analog control stick and C and Z buttons.
  Contact Information:
Company Name: Bekasi Electronics Co Ltd
Contact Person: Rima Kusumadewi
Address: JL. M.H. Thamrin Kav.110, Lippo Cikarang
Telephone: +62-813-72792228
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Fax: +62-813-72792228
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