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Windystore Co.,ltd
  Product :
  Product Name:Apple iPhone
  Product Description:
he iPhone is an amazing smartphone. After all the hype it lived up to what it expected to be. It's a good phone, great Internet device, and great iPod. Some may hate all the hype this phone gets, but it is well deserved.

If you are thinking about getting an iPhone, get one. It's well worth the money. The iPhone also has the capabilities to run apps us users can make ourselves. The down side is we need to have our own web site/server to do so, but I expect to see a lot of different cool apps to start popping up soon.


* Touch Screen
* Sleek / Sexy Device - Can Catch Anyone's Eye
* iPhone Data Plan is Only $20 Extra a Month for Unlimited Data / 200 Text
* Very Easy To Use
* Built In Sensors That Make Using the iPhone Easier


* Can't Be Used as a Modem for a Laptop - Yet
* Only Available Through AT&T Currently
* Battery Isn't Replaceable
* No Flash / Java - Yet
* No GPS

  Contact Information:
Company Name: Windystore Co.,ltd
Contact Person: Erick Hardja
Address: 20 Maxwell Road, 07-01 Maxwell House, Singapore
Telephone: 65 -62-208301
Mobile: ------------
Fax: 65-62-208303
Web Site: ----------
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