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Taiphone Electric Co., Ltd
  Product :
  Product Name:Micro Current DIY (facial and body microwave massager)
  Product Description:
Magic Stick (facial and body microwave massager)
Magic Stick applies the oriental wisdoms in massage on the acupoints. It revitalizes the healthy, beautiful, and brilliant looks of the skin through massage on the major acupoints. It also applies microcurrent technique by sending mild and gentle current into the bottom of the skin to do appropriate exercises of the facial skin and neck muscle in order to recover the elasticity of the skin and remove the fine lines as well as stimulate blood circulation that carries the nutrition into the bottom of the skin to improve skin tissues and firmness.

Magic Stick has relatively good performance in cosmetic and medical industries. The electrode use brings appropriate round cap for wonderful massage effect, and the low frequency gives special pamper to the skin for mild retraction exercise to the face. It helps the facial skin to recover the original elasticity and firming of the skin while reduce the fine lines.

MicroCurrent Technology is the only aesthetic treatment available that can physically firm and tone the skin through muscle re-education. This process of a gentle ¡¥re-education¡¦ of the fine facial muscles stimulates them with very small amounts of electricity. MicroCurrent is a specific amount of electricity that mirrors the body¡¦s own natural current and works in harmony with the body¡¦s electrical system.
  Contact Information:
Company Name: Taiphone Electric Co., Ltd
Contact Person: Trista Chang
Address: No.52 Wu-Chun 7 Rd., Wu-Ku Hsiang
Telephone: 886-2-22989358
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Fax: 886-2-22989359
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