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Taiphone Electric Co., Ltd
  Product :
  Product Description:
DIY Micro Dynamic Light integrates with latest light therapy and bio microcurrent; suitable for all skin types. It applies different colors of light energy and unique low frequency of the bio microcurrent to achieve double results.

Features of Bio Current
Use special output current for low frequency and low current which will not cause the muscle to contract but only will stimulate the microphysical system.

Features of LED Light Therapy
Red light (wavelength 640nm+/- 10nm) stimulates collagen and growth of elastic fiber to promote activation of the skin cells to remove blemish and black pigment. It has excellent result for fighting fine lines, large skin pores, and swelling after the surgery. In addition, the red light has excellent result to smooth the acupoints and release the pains from muscles, joints, and nerves.

Blue light (wavelength 470nm+/- 10nm) treats the acne problem and destroys the bacteria. Besides, it can soothe the skin and has the ability to fight against the allergy.

Yellow light (wavelength 470nm+/- 10nm) stimulates lymph and nervous system which can strengthen muscles, improve immune system, reduce fine lines, eliminate wrinkles, and balance sensitive skin.
  Contact Information:
Company Name: Taiphone Electric Co., Ltd
Contact Person: Trista Chang
Address: No.52 Wu-Chun 7 Rd., Wu-Ku Hsiang
Telephone: 886-2-22989358
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Fax: 886-2-22989359
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