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Juguan Technology Co., Ltd.
  Product :
  Product Name:media player
  Product Description:
10.4" Media Player
Normal Stand type:
This product is easy to use. It is a well designed product with durable quality. It doesnˇ¦t require any extra attachments. Users can enjoy viewing photos and films and listening to MP3 music instantly after plugging in the power. It is suitable for use in supermarkets, exhibition halls, homes, hotels, sports fields and vehicles. It can be mounted in required areas.
10.4" Media Player
Resolution : 640x480
Brightness : 350 cd/m2
AudioˇG2W+2W (BOX)
  Contact Information:
Company Name: Juguan Technology Co., Ltd.
Contact Person: Wilson Chiang
Address: 6F-5,No.241,Sec.3,Wunsin Rd.,Situn District,Taichung City 407,Taiwan
Telephone: 886-4-22981238
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Fax: 886-4-22981338
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