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Juguan Technology Co., Ltd.
  Product :
  Product Name:kits
  Product Description:
Driver board set
Parts No. : GAU3L8VD2CH
VGA signal : 1680 * 1050/1600 * 1200
Input Interface : VGA, DVI, AUDIO
PANEL interface : TTL, LVDS, TMDS
Vertical proportion :4:3, 5:4,15:10,16:9,etc
Voltage of power supply : 3.3V/5V/12V
Audio : 2.0W*2 stereoly
Inverter : 2 ch ( 1ch, 2ch, 4ch,¡K)
Remark :

  Contact Information:
Company Name: Juguan Technology Co., Ltd.
Contact Person: Wilson Chiang
Address: 6F-5,No.241,Sec.3,Wunsin Rd.,Situn District,Taichung City 407,Taiwan
Telephone: 886-4-22981238
Mobile: ------------
Fax: 886-4-22981338
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