We're happy to introduce as as one of the trading business. Please send me the quotation for the following products for best price and time slot of delivery.
I have the big requirement. Please call me or send your email id.
I SR No Material type Specification Quantity
1 Screws M 6.3 x 50 mm, 410 stainless steel DIN7504K IHWH with OD 19mm EPDM bonded washer 13250.
We import the spare parts from Japan directly and also sale in different countries at best and competitive prices regularly, lower then the agent prices.
Industrial sewing machine spare parts (for all famous Japanese brands), Multi head embroidery machine spare parts for tajima/barudan (Japan) brand machines, we are very much interested to do business worldwide for these type of spare parts in huge quantity.
We are interested in purchasing food machinery. All those who are manufacturing this type of machinery can send me their product specifications, shipping details, price list etc.