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Samarium Cobalt Magnets (Smco5, Sm2co17) |
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Samarium Cobalt magnets are Rare Earth magnets and have beenavailable since the early 1970's. SmCo magnets are typicallymanufactured through sintering or compression bonding and have veryhigh magnetic properties paired with excellent thermal stability.Unlike stronger rare earth magnets, such as NdFeBs, samarium cobaltmagnets are extremely resistant against corrosion and oxidation. Thesecharacteristics make SmCo magnets ideal for applications working inwide-ranging temperatures and rough environments.
VTLGMagnet division is the first Asia-based German supplier of custom mademagnets for industrial applications. For inquiries and requests pleasecontact us at: .VTLG specializes exclusively in supplying made-to-order magnets forindustrial applications according to each customers requirements. Forrequests, please provide an engineering drawing including informationon the dimensions, tolerances, material/magnetic grade, coating andmagnetization direction. |
2015/5/30 |
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